According to the Mapping L.A. survey of the Los Angeles Times, Northeast Los Angeles consists of a 17.18-square-mile region bounded on the south and west by the interstate 5, the north by the cities of Glendale and Pasadena, and bounded on the east by the Arroyo Seco Parkway. Much of Northeast Los Angeles is located on or around the San Rafael Hills.
The seven neighborhoods comprising Northeast Los Angeles:
In the 2000 census, Northeast Los Angeles had 167,674 residents in its 17.18 square miles, which amounted to 9,757 people per square mile. The densest neighborhood was Highland Park, and the least dense was Mount Washington.
About 54% of the area’s population lived in rental units, while 46% lived in owner-occupied housing. Highland Park was the neighborhood with the highest rental occupancy, and Eagle Rock had the lowest. The latter district also had the oldest population, and Cypress Park had the youngest. Eagle Rock also was the wealthiest neighborhood and Cypress Park the poorest. Eagle Rock was the neighborhood with the largest percentage of residents holding a four-year academic degree and Cypress Park had the lowest percentage.
The ethnic breakdown in 2000 was Latino, 62.5%; white, 16.6%, Asian, 16.0%; black, 2.0%, and other, 2.9%. Eagle Rock was the most ethnically diverse neighborhood and Cypress Park the least.